Category: Pregnancy & Birth

  • I’m Having an HBAC

    I’m Having an HBAC

    I am having a hbac, a home birth after a cesarean. Or at least attempting one. Maybe just a vbac, which would still be a natural vaginal birth, but in a hospital. Why is it so hard for me to just say “I’m having a hbac”? Because with my first pregnancy I was 100% sure I…

  • 2 Tri’s Down, 1 To Go

    2 Tri’s Down, 1 To Go

    Can’t believe I am already writing this post about being 2/3 of the way along in this pregnancy..  It’s crazy how even though at times it seems to drag on (especially during the sickness times) I can look back and realize how fast it really does go by. And now that I officially sound like an…

  • And He Will Be Called…

    And He Will Be Called…

    Houston James Phelps We couldn’t decide on a name for Blake until he was almost born, and this time around we had a couple of girl names that we had picked out from the first time, but were stuck again on a boy’s name. The story behind the name.. I asked Stefen if we could…

  • It’s (another) Boy!

    It’s (another) Boy!

    This post is way over due, 8 weeks over due to be exact. So let’s get right to it… Most of you already know that, yes, we are having another boy! I couldn’t be more excited. I wish I could say the same for everyone else but, I understand hearing “it’s a boy” is kind…

  • Little Brother Or Little Sister?

    Little Brother Or Little Sister?

    Most of you already know this but, for those that don’t.. This baby will be the 15th grandchild for my parents. There are only 3 girls out of 14 kids so far. It’s been almost 6 years since the last girl was born and she lives states away. So I’m sure you can guess the…

  • The First 12 Weeks With Baby #2

    The First 12 Weeks With Baby #2

    Baby:  I thought I was two weeks farther along than baby measured at first appointment. There was also a second, empty sac which means there may have been a twin but isn’t now. This could also be the reason I was measuring smaller (because of possible twins) or I was just not as far along…

  • Finding Out About Baby # 2

    Finding Out About Baby # 2

    First I’m going to rewind to a year ago.. Without going into too much detail I’ll just say that Blake’s birth outcome effected me a lot more than I expected it to. Right after he was born while still in the hospital, my midwife had told me “you can have a natural birth next time,…

  • Healing After My C-Section: Three Months Later

    Healing After My C-Section: Three Months Later

    Blake is 12 weeks today. He is “officially” no longer a newborn according to some statistic I read online.. So you’re probably wondering why I am still healing from a quick little surgery after almost 3 months. Did the doctor do a bad job? Were there complications? No. In fact he did such a good…

  • Blake Emory’s Birth Story

    Blake Emory’s Birth Story

    Birth date: Sunday November 24th, 2013 Birth Time: 9:20 pm Weight: 9lbs. 10.6 oz. Length: 22 in. Head: 15 in. I’m not really sure where to start this birth story because I feel like it started weeks ago, so I will start with my 41 week appointment with my midwife… It was Wednesday, November 13th,…

  • End of Tri 3: just the beginning

    End of Tri 3: just the beginning

    Baby Heart rate: 135-143 Responding well to NST/ST (non stress test/stress test) head down in right position Placenta at level 2 Amniotic fluid at level 7 Mommy Getting a little nauseous again every now and then Last day of work: November 7th (due date) Weight gain: 32.5 pounds total Cravings: Not necessarily a “craving” since I…