Author: Kara

  • Matthew Finn’s Birth Story

    Matthew Finn’s Birth Story

    Birth date: Wednesday, April 17th, 2024Birth Time: 10:31 AMWeight: 5lbs. 10oz.Length: 19 in. The start of Matthew’s birth story begins a few months ago… when I had the idea that Stefen and I should go on a babymoon before this baby arrived. We’ve never left the kids for more than a night or two, and never to…

  • Oliver Copeland’s Birth Story

    Oliver Copeland’s Birth Story

    Birth date: Wednesday, September 25th, 2019Birth Time: 8:11 AMWeight: 9lbs. 9oz.Length: 22 in. Some History First, I’ll start with a little back story for those who aren’t familiar with our family baby history… Blake, born via C-section at 42 weeks and 3 days due to being “past due”, preeclampsia, failed induction. Houston, born at home (HBAC) at…

  • Welcome to the Fam, Ames.

    Welcome to the Fam, Ames.

    They say small babies are harder to birth. They say babies born 6 weeks early will most likely require time spent in NICU. They say babies haven’t developed the sucking reflex at 34 weeks. They thought his lungs may be weak. They thought he’d be a Cali baby. They thought he’d be born on the…

  • Tired of Loving

    Tired of Loving

    I ran into a friend awhile back and we were talking about an old co-worker that left her job on bad terms. It was kind of sudden and a lot of people were caught off guard. But we weren’t dwelling on that, we were talking about the time she worked there, the influence we had…

  • Natural Ways To Induce Labor

    Natural Ways To Induce Labor

    With three pregnancies behind me and another six in the future (just testing to see if Stefen is reading this) I’d like to believe I have lots of wisdom to share. I don’t actually feel that way, although I have done quite a bit of research on the matter and have tried almost every labor…

  • California Burrito Chili — Voted “Best Freaking Chili Ever” by Stefen

    California Burrito Chili — Voted “Best Freaking Chili Ever” by Stefen

    Eat it up and channel your inner California dreamin’ self. Maybe do some yoga stretches if you’re really feeling motivated* *Yoga is not recommended immediately after eating chili. Experiment at your own risk.

  • Smoked Taco Seasoning Recipe

  • Immune Boost Drink Recipe

    Immune Boost Drink Recipe
  • GG and JoJo

    GG and JoJo

    Today marks two years since my Grandma passed away. Joelle is our first baby that my Grandma hasn’t been here to meet. I never realized how much that would mean to me until recently. Being one of the youngest siblings in a bigger family, I’ve never really had all the memories that my older siblings have…

  • Joelle Lindsay’s Birth Story

    Joelle Lindsay’s Birth Story

    Birth date: Tuesday, June 13th, 2017Birth Time: 12:12 AMWeight: 8lbs. 13oz.Length: 23 in. You know those parents that are on their second, third, or tenth pregnancy so they think they know what to expect because they have done this before and know their body so well to predict the outcome? Yeah, I was never going to be…