Announcing To Our Family

Before I was pregnant I always said I was going to wait until I was 4 or 5 months along to tell everyone. I’m really good at keeping secrets so I figured it wouldn’t be that hard. Well I guess this is one of those things that you just don’t understand until you’re in the situation. After having my first appointment at almost 8 weeks and the midwife saying that some hormone was so high that even if my body tried to have a miscarriage, it couldn’t. I figured that was pretty big for her to tell me that so I must be safe. I was already way too anxious to tell our family. I already knew I wanted to tell Grace first because I remember how exciting it was hearing my sisters were having babies, and I’m basically her first sister. I could have just called or texted, but I really wanted to tell her in person. Lindy was supposed to be taking their engagement pictures in March, but wasn’t able to. So, I talked to both of them at different times & tried to get them to set up a time (ASAP) for Grace to come to FL for her pictures. She finally planned her trip for the second weekend in April. By this time Stefen & I had already known for over a month so it did slip to a few people; friends at work (they kinda figured it out anyway with all the extra time I was spending in the bathroom), some of his friends in the Philippines,  Tanya (who flat out asked “are you pregnant, I’m going to bring a test over”) and our foster care licensing specialist. But I still wouldn’t back down from the plan I had: tell Grace, tell the rest of our family.


So, Grace and Donovon arrived late Thursday night around 10pm. I had ordered them each a mug that said “Aunt Grace – best aunt forever” and “Uncle Donny -he’s my fav.” I also made everyone note cards with the baby’s first sonogram picture. Grace opened hers first and was laughing hysterically and stared at it for awhile. When I looked at her, though, I realized she hadn’t even seen the side of the mug that said “Aunt Grace”. She was just looking at the side laughing at the picture of herself! I think it wasn’t until she opened the note card that she realized I was having a baby, and then she stared at my stomach for the rest of the night. Yes, I noticed that, Grace!

Since I knew Grace was coming that weekend I wanted to have my family over to the house soon after I told Grace. I had told them all that with fostering we were required to have background checks, fingerprints, and lots of personal information on anyone that came to our house on a weekly basis or would be helping watch the kids. I still can’t get over how supportive and quickly they agreed to it! I had told Adam & Amber I would need the most info on those that would be watching them without us around, probably Tanya or Lindy, and he said “Amber & I can watch them. I’ve already had a background check and Amber needs to get one anyway”. Even Luke agreed, and we all know he doesn’t babysit any of the kids.

announcements to family final

Saturday night everyone came over while Lindy was still taking Grace and Donovon’s pictures. It wasn’t until about 9pm that everyone was done eating and sitting around. I had printed up fake sheets of paper asking for their personal info; name, birth date, social security #, etc. and handed one to everyone along with a note card.  It took everyone a minute to open the cards and figure out that this wasn’t a joke or a fake picture! The two reactions I remember the most were 1. Amber, because when I handed it to her she said “aww a card. Can I open it first?” and the when she did she definitely screamed haha. And 2. Luke, he was sitting on the same couch as my mom, my mom opened her card first and even though Luke had a card in his hand he looked over at my mom’s and said “wait! Is she pregnant?!”

The rest of the night seemed really loud with lots of loud talking, mostly because I’m not used to being the one talking. I usually give up on having to talk louder than everyone else in my family, but since everyone was talking to me, I had to!


Since we couldn’t tell Stefen’s parents in person, I wanted to tell them on Skype so we could at least see each other. We waited until Grace & Donovon got home Sunday night, Grace called us on skype and we talked for a little bit. I finally texted her to hurry up and give them the card because the sickness always gets worse at night and I was ready for bed. So she gave them their note card with her and Donovon there. They were definitely surprised!

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